European Citizens’ Initiative:

The European Exchange Program for Entrepreneurs
The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program is a cross-border exchange program that gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other participating countries.
The exchange of experience takes place during a stay with the experienced entrepreneur (from 1 to 6 months), which helps the new entrepreneur acquire the skills needed to run a small firm. The host benefits from fresh perspectives on his/her business and gets the opportunity to cooperate with foreign partners or learn about new markets.
For the first time, Startup Wise Guys Foundation has been selected as a partner in a consortium that supports the goals of the EYE program. In particular, the Foundation has been selected for the cycle 14, project named “EYE TO THE FUTURE UKRAINE”, to support Ukrainian future New Entrepreneurs, affected by the unprovoked military aggression by Russia. The program intends to support know-how exchange to support the launch or restart of economic activities. It also provides new market insights and/or ideas to the host entrepreneurs.
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Business exchanges
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Applications from new entrepreneurs
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Applications from host entrepreneurs
Who can participate?
Application to the program is free of charge, and targets:
- New entrepreneurs: Ukrainian residents in Estonia, firmly planning to set up their own business or have already started one within the last three years.
- Host Entrepreneurs: Ukrainian and European experienced entrepreneurs residents in Estonia, who own (for more than 3 years) or manage a Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise in one of the Participating Countries.
The application must be submitted ONLINE.
How to participate?
Before candidating yourself to the program, contact Startup Wise Guys Foundation for free consultancy on the program, and provide further information. Be mindful that to nominate yourself, you will need to have at hand the following information and documents:
- Curriculum vitae (preferably in English);
- Motivation Letter (also in English); and
- If you are a New Entrepreneur, a Business Plan for your future business.
The application process is ONLINE, however, as a first step we recommend getting in touch for the application process.
Why participate?
The program supports “know-how” exchange, between international participants, making it a valuable opportunity for those who join.
New Entrepreneurs:
To acquire unique knowledge to fast-track the growth of their business idea and learn from more experienced individuals;
International experience in the EU;
- Receive financial support from the European Union during the exchange period, to support travel and cover living costs;
For Host Entrepreneurs:
- Collaborate with a person who has an international background in your business activities.
- Gain new ideas and fresh perspectives for your business by working with someone new;
- Receive new or more in-depth insights into a potential new markets.
For more information, you are welcome to contact:
Nicklas Pavoncelli
Meet the people who make the magic happen.