Interesting Accident: My Serendipitous Journey through the Young Entrepreneurs Program

My name is Merilyn and I don’t know what I am doing.
I got to know about YE 2022 by a total accident. However, this accident became one of my strongest memories from the summer of 2022.
Last autumn I started my journey at Estonian Business School (EBS) in Tallinn. At the beginning of the summer, I applied and wrote all the needed exams, so in the middle of June, I received a message that I got accepted into the EBS bachelor program. Around the same time, EBS sent me an invitation to a new program, where they were collaborating with a company named Startup Wise Guys. The company sounded suspicious and I have never heard about them before, but I decided to give it a try. Why? Let me explain.
First of all, Connections. I thought that this program might be a good opportunity to meet new people and collaborate with some of them in the future. I was absolutely right. Different cultures, different languages, and different dreams. However, it was also nice to see people from Estonia there (I am Estonian myself). Not to forget our lecturers. I can only say about them, that you will never forget the conversations that you will have with them and those small pieces of advice that only experienced people might give.
Another thing is, of course, Entrepreneurship. This program is a good opportunity to start and just get to know this whole entrepreneurial life. “Where to start?”, “Why to start?”, “With whom start?”, “Why you?” – those and many more questions people will ask you and you will be very surprised with the answers that you can find.
Strongest memory
My strongest memory is this.

Those photos were taken after the program when we were doing the “Thank You” video for the SWG team and also during our Ambassadors meeting. Unfortunately, I don’t have any photos here from the YE program 2022 (I mean from those virtual meetings). Why? I was too scared to turn on the camera.
So for those, who are still scared and not comfortable turning your camera on, here is my advance – DO IT SCARED. There won’t be a special moment when you suddenly become self-confident, and won’t be afraid of the camera or judgment from others. Leaving your comfort zone is hard and takes a lot of time, but you need to do it in order to change, in order to grow. So, Merilyn, stop being so childish and turn your goddamn camera on.

Afterlife or what’s next?
After the program, I had a month of thinking and reflecting before my university started. And when I actually started my studies I felt like I already knew everything (I did not). Don’t expect that during this one week, you will become the most intelligent person in the world and a millionaire. Yes, it is possible to learn a lot during one week, and, without a doubt, you can change your mindset, set new goals and find new roads for your future, but you can’t get the experience that founders and old entrepreneurs have, because YOU ARE JUST ON YOUR START.

Lessons are given to learn from them
So my takeaway? I would say that the biggest takeaway for me was the Effective Planning topic. At first, it felt really uncomfortable and hard to implement those theories in practice and in my personal life. They felt wrong and didn’t go well with my principles. However, with time I didn’t notice how I started to add some of those ideas in my day-to-day life, just naturally, some of them just accidentally came to me, for some I looked back and reflected on the experience I went through. Now, after a year I see how almost every day of my life is planned and has a purpose. Do I know what I am doing? Hell no. Do I have all the things managed and planned for the next 3 years? Absolutely not. But I have a tool now, I have an understanding of how to make my life better and how to control not only my present but my future as well. This is what this program can give you. It can give you tools that successful entrepreneurs use every day.

Who might be the next one?
For everyone? No, of course not. Well, I might suggest it for You, the one reading this blog right now. If you are interested that much, that you actually went through all Startup Wise Guys websites and read up until this part of the post, my congratulations, something is wrong with you. Not in a bad way, of course. I believe only smart people are willing to learn more and expand their mindset. So if you are here, you are already very intelligent. Nevertheless, if you want to get knowledge in the technical part of startups and understand the basics of how those things work, you are very welcome! Be ready to have good company, interesting stories, a family atmosphere, and bright moments. I believe that this place will suit you!
Feel free to reach out to me on my LinkedIn profile with any questions about the program. I will be happy to answer and talk to you!