This year we are launching the next vertical for Startup Wise Guys accelerator — defense AI and cybersecurity focused program CyberNorth. 8 international teams have been selected to receive investment and take part in a 3 month long acceleration in Tallinn, Estonia. Program is carried out in collaboration with Estonian defense industry.
Ukraine has always brought strong teams to Startup Wise Guys, and CyberNorth is not an exception — 3 teams out of Ukraine. Having already accelerated one cybersecurity startup from Turkey — Trapmine also seem to have it’s effects as we have selected 2 Turkish teams, followed by Estonian and Hungary teams, and first time ever in accelerator’s history a team from Kazakhstan.
Selected startups represent broad spectrum of cyber — from security flaw detection, and certification to security education and identity fraud detection.

Meet the teams:
autom8 (Turkey) — Autom8 uses NLP frameworks to automate the detection of security and other flaws in source code. Source code analysis is accelerated which results in over 10x improvement in detection and deployment speed.
Odin Vision (Ukraine) — Unambiguous biometric identification with the credit scoring database available worldwide. The service which allows checking the credit history of a person using the unique digital iris fingerprint. AI-based DSS.
Cyber Struggle (Turkey) — The world’s most intense and the very first multidisciplinary cyber security certifications by using unique performance and ownership based on job training methodology. Continuous simulation labs for both defensive/offensive and hybrid approach. (Hungary) — Cyex design and develop an AI-based cybersecurity exercise generator with special focus on the threat profile and other specifics of the client. The tool reduces costs, decreases the number of required professionals and provides personalized exercises.
Fakeskiller (Ukraine) — Fakesradar connects industry standard Fake identification, detection and correction agencies with consumers in a seamless browsing experience, giving consumers realtime in feed information on what is real and what is Fake information. (Ukraine) — empowers consumers to own and control their identity while solving the ever-growing fraud problem for businesses. With the app on your mobile device, you create and verify your digital identity. It can then be used for a variety of online services and you have full control over what information is being shared. You become the owner of your identity.
Scoriff (Estonia) — Scoriff uses propriety algorithms to provide information about companies without using any financial data, ideal for new companies and to identify high risk companies.
Webtotem (Kazakhstan) — WebTotem is a SaaS which provides powerful tools for securing and monitoring your website in one place.
CyberNorth is managed by Managing Director Farid Singh, Indian origin, but due to Startup Wise Guys spending more and more time in the Baltics. He has this unique mix of biz dev and innovation stuff with deeply geeky and techy things, Program Manager Darja Ogorodnik, who has already hacked the best ways how to run a batch as she joined us for the B2B SaaS Batch 12, security professional and business angel Jaanus Tamm and Startup Wise Guys Global CEO Cristobal Alonso as the strategic drivers.
The program is brought to you by Startup Wise Guys in collaboration with Estonian Defence Industry Association and supported by Ministry of Defence of Republic of Estonia. Startups selected to the program will receive investment of up to 30.000 eur with follow-on possibility, 3 months hands-on intensive acceleration program with business development and cybersecurity focus, access to network of 150+ mentors and 100+ investors, as well as successful accelerator graduates. The teams will relocate to Tallinn and get free space in a modern co-working for the duration of the acceleration program.